THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - 30 December 2008

A person can win over the entire world simply by perfecting the art of fine behaviour.


THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - 24 December 2008


Just as Arjuna had meticulous focus only on the bird's eye as instructed by his preceptor Dronacharya, so be our mind with unflinching attention on Mahamantra and Mahamantra alone!.


THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - 23 December 2008

Saptaham 018

If your mind does not rest in the Self, you will be restless.

--His Holiness Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - 15 December 2008


A fire-lantern not only illuminates but also provides us heat, though unintended. A gas stove provides us light in addition to the heat that we intended to get out of it. Likewise, Namakirtan performed with worldly benefits in mind also leads us to salvation and Namakirtan performed with the intention of earning Salvation also brings in worldly comforts.

-- His Holiness Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - 13 December 2008

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

Compromise anything for the world. Compromise nothing for God

-- Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - 12 December 2008


To control the breath, mind and senses is Vedanta.
To turn all the senses in the service of God or Guru is Bhakti"

-- His Holiness Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - 11 December 2008


A solitary rose or a jasmine flower smells great, no doubt. But it can never match the sweet fragrance of a bouquet full of them. Likewise, chanting Nama individually is great, but more radiant are the vibes generated by chanting as a group

-- His Holiness Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - 10 December 2008

Guruji With Krishna

Born in a 'Karagraha' (prison),
Sri Krishna entered the 'Garbagraha' (the sanctum)
just for the sake of 'Anugraha' (showering His grace on us).

-- His Holiness Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - 08 December 2008


The very purpose of performing rites and rituals is to attain chitta shuddhi, i.e, purity of thought. If these karmas are performed in an incorrect manner with a lot of compromise, for self-interest and pomp, with pride and hypocrisy, not only will it result in further impurity, but will also prove detrimental.

-- Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - 05 December 2008


One's mere presence near the flower will suffice to get its fragrance. Likewise, merely remaining in the Sadhu's presence is enough to feel the divinity.

-- Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - 04 December 2008


An ordinary person bends towards the mass, but the extraordinary person bends the mass towards himself.

-- Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - 03 December 2008


God created men without bias, God created the world without bias, But men created God with bias.

-- Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - 02 December 2008


If man is Humble and Adheres to His Guru's word always, he becomes a maHAn

-- Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - 01 December 2008


If you wish for eternal silence ('nishabda') of your mind, you have to produce a sound ('shabdha') - and that sound is that of the Mahamantra.

    -- Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji